A Diavolo x Doppio Fanzine


Interest CheckAug 8th - Sept 8th
Mod AppsAug 15th - Sept 8th
Contributor AppsSept 29th - Oct 29th
Emails SentNov 5th
Pitches DueNov 12th
Check in 1Dec 9th - Dec 11th
Check in 2Jan 6th - Jan 8th
Check in 3Feb 10th - Feb 12th
Finals DueMar 10th - Mar 12th


“Mio Caro” is a JJBA Vento Aureo Fanzine focusing around the romantic relationship between Diavolo and Doppio.We aim to feature 20-25 page artists, 8-10 writers, and 3-5 merch artists (these numbers may change depending on interest check results).Because this is meant to be a fun project in which everyone can express their love for the characters and the ship to the fullest, any and all headcanons about the two characters, be they regarding their gender identities, sexualities, ethnicities, neurotypes etc., will be accepted and encouraged.The main zine will be SFW and we will have a digital only NSFW side zine.This will be a for-profit zine.
We remind you that only 18+ contributors may claim compensation, so younger conributors will be able to opt to donate their share to a charity of their choice or even back to the rest of the contributors.
All of the communication among zine staff and contributors, including check ins and casual hanging out, will happen in a discord server all contributors will get an invitation to upon being accepted into the zine!

Interest Check Results


Our price range will be $10-15 for the digital PDF and $20-25 for the physical zine on its own (no merch included).
For our full bundle, we will try to stay on the lower end ($40-50) so as to ensure affordability for all fans of the ship. The price will change depending on the merch, of course!


The zine will feature both light and darker themes in about equal measure, for the joy of those who enjoy variety. We will ensure to not lean into one side more than the other.
The main zine will, of course, be fully SFW, potentially featuring canon typical violence and the heavy themes already present in the manga and show.

NSFW Side Zine

A NSFW Side Zine will be produced alongside the main zine! It will be digital only and available as an add on when buying the zine.
Apps for the two projects will be separate.

On Polyamory

The majority voted against the inclusion of polyamorous ships, therefore they will not be featured in the zine. The mods might, however, be planning to make something specifically for that once the Mio Caro project is over... Only time will tell.

Contributor Applications

We aim to feature 20-25 page artists, 8-10 writers, and 3-5 merch artists (these numbers may change depending on interest check results).We ask that all contributors be 16 years old or older by the end of the application period.In case we proceed with the NSFW side zine, applicants who express interest in the side zine must be 18 years old or older by the end of the application period.Applicants may apply to and be considered for multiple roles.If you are submitting any kind of Google doc or folder, please make sure that we can view it.
(Copy the link and see if it can be opened in an incognito window to be sure!)

Page Artists

- Page artists will be asked to submit 3 samples of their best work.- One at minimum should feature a full background (not flat color, gradient, or graphic shapes).- JJBA samples are preferable, but not required.- If you are applying to create a comic, please try and share relevant samples.- Please no WIPs or sketches.- You can attach links from social media! Please be aware that Instagram will naturally lower the resolution of your sample.- You can submit a portfolio, though it’s optional.- Traditional pieces will be accepted, but will require a high quality scan.

Page Artist Application Form


- Writers will be asked to submit 3 samples of their best work. These should be extracts of 1k to 2.5k words.
(Note that it is mandatory to stay within the word range)
- JJBA samples and specifically Doppio or Diavolo centered samples are highly encouraged.- Please no WIPs.- You can submit through Google Docs or Archive of Our Own.

Writer Application Form

Merch Artists

- Merch artists will be asked to submit 3 samples of their best work.- One at minimum should feature a merch design/style suited for merch designs.- JJBA samples are preferable, but not required.- Please no WIPs or sketches.- You can attach links from social media! Please be aware that Instagram will naturally lower the resolution of your sample.- Portfolio submissions optional but encouraged.- Traditional pieces will be accepted, but will require a high quality scan.- No experience making merch before is required. Mods will help you in the creation process in case you need help.

Merch Artist Application Form


- Mods must be 18+ by the end of the application period.- We ask for proof of previous zine experience, unless you are applying to be an intern. Interns do not need to have any previous zine experience.- You may apply for multiple mod roles, but you will only be accepted for one.- Mods can also apply to be a contributor and may be accepted for both.

Mod Team

Dopi || Co-head and Shipping Mod

Heyyy I'm a silly diadop fan since 2019 here to bring some diadop content for the lovely people of this fandom! I'm going to spread my wlw diadop agenda on this zine a little >:]

Tidal || Co-head and Art Mod

Hello I’m Tidal! I’m fairly new to the zine scene and still fresh into JJBA. I’m excited to be here and work with everyone though! I’ve worked as an Animation Director on a college film and was in charge of quality control. Men with freckles and long hair are my weakness so DiaDop is like my perfect treasure trove.

Oolrie || Art & Merch Mod

Hey hey! I’m Oolrie and I’m now a veteran Jojo fan and self professed freckle enjoyer. I’m a digital artist whenever I’m not rotating characters in my brain c:
I am and have been in multiple zines as both a contributor and a moderator, though I normally take care of the graphics department!

Chaotic || Graphics Intern

Hi guys, it's Chaotic! I love JJBA5, it’s been my one fixation for the last couple years. Diadop definitely deserves more content and merch!! I’m always super excited to be part of fandom projects – been in a couple of zines so far – and am working to increase my modding experience!

Lírio || Writing Intern

Hey folks! I’m Lírio, and I’m here as the writing intern! While my favorite part in general is Steel Ball Run, I tend to dabble in the other parts as well. I’m currently a mod on two other Zines, but don’t have any mod experience prior to that. I’m really excited to work with everyone on this project, have fun, and make some cool stuff!


Q: Can other characters be featured?

As long as the focus is DiaDop then work with other characters is completely fine.

Q: How will the zine team communicate?

All of the communication among zine staff and contributors, including check ins and casual hanging out, will happen in a discord server all contributors will get an invitation to upon being accepted into the zine!

Q: What is an intern exactly?

The role of intern means that you'll be working under the lead mod(s) for whatever position you are accepted for. This can range from helping with tasks to giving feedback on matters regarding the zine. Being an intern is a stepping stone to learn the ins and outs of the positions before trying to take on the role full time. It can count as modding experience for zines that require it, too!